Pet Peeve of the Day
Via: Barking Moonbat Early Warning System
In Hampton, NH the school had a “holiday dance” and all the children were invited to dress up. One young lad was sent home because his costume was “politically incorrect” according to the principal. Was the boy dressed as Jesus? Or Joseph? No, he was in a Santa Claus costume. It’s funny, but I don’t recall any mention of Santa in the Bible. Can someone help me with this. I’ll pay $1,000,000 to the first person who finds a direct reference to Santa Claus in the Bible.
End Quote
Now, this is one of my person pet peeves.
Political Correctness.
Now I am as accomidating as I can be to the next guy, girl, or mutant. I don't try to shove my beliefs down anyone's throat. I willingly share my opinion, but I don't shout down differing opinions. I will walk away if someone is such a barking moonbat that I will die of a heartattack before I get through to them, but eh, I will let them walk away as well.
But, then we have these people, either misguided, misinformed, or malicous, attacking everything that may possibly offend someone, anyone real or imagined.
They stifle free speach and expression, they teach kids they can not offend anyone, and they act like it is in the Bill of Rights or something.
Can we just get a FREAKIN clue here?!?!
A nativity scene is not going to make your child into an evangalist or a catholic anymore than seeing a mosque will make me a muslim.
If you are offended by Santa Clause, SHUT THE F*** UP!
If you are offended by the American Flag, SHUT THE F*** UP!
If you think being offended is a crime, F*** OFF AND DIE!
k, thanx.
Political Correctness will go down in history as a the Best or Worst idea in history.
Think about that movie, Demolition Man.
No Salt, No Alcohol, No Sex!
That's the future is Political Correctness wins.
In that scenerio, I am the guy Dennis Leary played.
I am hoping the backlash that we see building will smack the PC police so hard they are like the Democrats are right now, left wondering what happened.
Here is Kim talking about that exact prediction.
One of these days, I may snap and start trying to give people a REAL reason to be offended.
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