Thursday, December 30, 2004

Well it was fun while it lasted. BLOG MOVE!

Blogger was simple and easy, wouldn't mind suggesting it to any that JUST wants a journal....
But Blog-City seems to support everything I like right in house, especially for someone with little HTML skills such as I.
Come come see my new ever evolving Cinomed's Tower over at Blog City's

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Wow, once again Dean Esmay tosses out a surprise.

Dean Esmay, for many reasons I consider this man to be much more knowledgable than I, and I lend great weight to his opinion on things.
He is the type of openminded real Liberal thinker (not a bad thing) that the Democrats should be in general.

And he is quite intertaining in his abstract thoughts sometimes.

Today he drops another bomb of abstract thought on AIDS, something I never really considered as I tend to trust the medical profession overall.

As usual Dean offers sound reasoning and linkage.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Mosul Bombing, what can you do?

I wrote about the utter horror of the Mosul homicide bombing where a FREDS killed a bunch of our soldiers and contractors earlier.

Sheepdog has a post talking about what you can do to help. is a wonderful service where you can send anything you believe will help to soldiers all over the Middle East theatre.
Now you can reach out directly to those who were there, the men and women that have had to carry on after they were spared but their own squad members were not.

A Warrior's Blessing, by Sheepdog.

Sheepdog the author of "A Civilian’s Perspective" has posted another great one called "A Warrior's Blessing"

Friday, December 24, 2004

More on the Reset Button.

Earlier I spoke of the "Reset Button" of the American goverment. Bluntly put, an armed uprising.
Kim posts an email from a long time reader of his, and between the two of them they eloquently state my position.
Kim's earlier post on the Fish or Man situation.

Always try and use mailbox, then the ballot box, but if things go way way WAY to far, then the Ammo Box.


That the need for such a radical course of action is not immediate does not relieve one of the responsibility for maintaining the capabilty, in physical, mental and spiritual realms, should such a need arise. It is only through understanding that we are capable of it, and that such a course involves such gravity, that we can undertake the daily toil of making sure, through use of the first two boxes, that we will not need to open the third.

Amen to that, I do not honestly want to raise my gun to ANY human, but once pushed far enough, I will.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Pet Peeve of the Day

Via: Barking Moonbat Early Warning System

In Hampton, NH the school had a “holiday dance” and all the children were invited to dress up. One young lad was sent home because his costume was “politically incorrect” according to the principal. Was the boy dressed as Jesus? Or Joseph? No, he was in a Santa Claus costume. It’s funny, but I don’t recall any mention of Santa in the Bible. Can someone help me with this. I’ll pay $1,000,000 to the first person who finds a direct reference to Santa Claus in the Bible.
End Quote

Now, this is one of my person pet peeves.

Political Correctness.

Now I am as accomidating as I can be to the next guy, girl, or mutant. I don't try to shove my beliefs down anyone's throat. I willingly share my opinion, but I don't shout down differing opinions. I will walk away if someone is such a barking moonbat that I will die of a heartattack before I get through to them, but eh, I will let them walk away as well.

But, then we have these people, either misguided, misinformed, or malicous, attacking everything that may possibly offend someone, anyone real or imagined.
They stifle free speach and expression, they teach kids they can not offend anyone, and they act like it is in the Bill of Rights or something.
Can we just get a FREAKIN clue here?!?!

A nativity scene is not going to make your child into an evangalist or a catholic anymore than seeing a mosque will make me a muslim.

If you are offended by Santa Clause, SHUT THE F*** UP!

If you are offended by the American Flag, SHUT THE F*** UP!

If you think being offended is a crime, F*** OFF AND DIE!

k, thanx.

Political Correctness will go down in history as a the Best or Worst idea in history.
Think about that movie, Demolition Man.
No Salt, No Alcohol, No Sex!
That's the future is Political Correctness wins.
In that scenerio, I am the guy Dennis Leary played.

I am hoping the backlash that we see building will smack the PC police so hard they are like the Democrats are right now, left wondering what happened.
Here is Kim talking about that exact prediction.

One of these days, I may snap and start trying to give people a REAL reason to be offended.

Sheepdog went and got himself a real blog!

Adding to Blog Roll now.

Blog-Cities looks nice.......

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Some advice from Steve H. at Hog on Ice and SayUncle.

This pertains to the "Fish or Man" situation I discussed here.

SayUncle links to Hog on Ice and adds a little to it.

Don't Argue with cops.
Don't say ANYTHING unless you absolutly have to.
Be courteous.

None of this is said to belittle the plight of Fish or Man, nor lessen the responsibility of those that have wronged him.
Just a "Time and a Place" for everything suggestion.

MASCAL (Mass Casualty), THe Mosul Suicide Bombing.

Once again,
We are faced with the horrors of war.
We are faced with the grim reality of our fight.
We are faced with the undeniable face of Evil.
and most importantly,
We are faced with wondering where they find these people, who can serve in such a valiant way.

In this case I am talking about Chaplain Lewis.
This man has a first hand account of the aftermath of this attack, and the motars that followed.
This man is there, he is comforting the dying and doing what God and USA have called him to do.

There is no limit to the respect I have for the common soldier in the Armed Services of the United States of America, but someone like this man, they show me I did not actually have enough respect.
I now have more.

Go read his first hand account, but I warn you, be prepared to cry, a lot.
If you read it and do not cry, well God have mercy on your soul.

Someone was confused earlier, for the record:
I am not in the Armed Services nor have I ever been.
I do not have any close family serving in the military at this time, but I feel they are all my kin.
I am just a blogger, having read blogs for about a year, I found this to be a way to vent, rant, and share without annoying my lovely wife, as she does not like to drag herself through the dark side of our world.

Link via Dean Esmay

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Preach it Foamy!

Via: Santa
Foamy has had it with the folks killing Christmas Spirit.

Preach on Foamy!

Can I get an AMEN??!?!

SayUncle, on the founding documents.

SayUncle is talking about the founding documents and the efforts used to protect the paper vs the ideals.
Good Stuff.

It Can Happen Here.

Via: SayUncle comes a link to a lefty looking site

It seems a Republican Congressman from Texas has written a warning article on the looming police state of America.

Here is an excerpt.

We are not yet living in a total police state, but it is fast approaching. The seeds of future tyranny have been sown, and many of our basic protections against government have been undermined. The atmosphere since 2001 has permitted Congress to create whole new departments and agencies that purport to make us safer – always at the expense of our liberty.

Now the last thing I want to say here is ANYTHING “AntiWar”, but as out Main Stream Media won’t pick up a story like this people like Ron Paul have to pursue other outlets.

That being said, I agree with Ron a lot, we are slowly but surely being coaxed into a situation where Liberty and Safety are at the opposite ends of the see-saw, and the balance it tipping.

I do not believe Safety requires we lose our Liberty, but to be honest here, if push comes to shove I am not sure I would be all that resistant to more lose of liberty as I believe we have gone too far.

Until society as a group realizes where we are and that it is profoundly the wrong place to be, simple resistance by a single person or small group lacking millions of dollars is a wasted effort.

It will begin with a trip to jail and possibly end with your life being ruined.

This is the reason I am not an NRA member, they are Gun Control Apologists.

This is the reason I am not all gung-ho “Anti Gay Marriage”, Sorry folks it’s to late to “Save Marriage” as something sacred, lets work on them “No Fault Divorces”.

This is the reason I had to vote for Bush with some trepidation, he was by far the only option, but he is no Conservative, and no Libertarian by any means.

Liberty or Freedom, should we even have to make that choice?