Wednesday, December 22, 2004

MASCAL (Mass Casualty), THe Mosul Suicide Bombing.

Once again,
We are faced with the horrors of war.
We are faced with the grim reality of our fight.
We are faced with the undeniable face of Evil.
and most importantly,
We are faced with wondering where they find these people, who can serve in such a valiant way.

In this case I am talking about Chaplain Lewis.
This man has a first hand account of the aftermath of this attack, and the motars that followed.
This man is there, he is comforting the dying and doing what God and USA have called him to do.

There is no limit to the respect I have for the common soldier in the Armed Services of the United States of America, but someone like this man, they show me I did not actually have enough respect.
I now have more.

Go read his first hand account, but I warn you, be prepared to cry, a lot.
If you read it and do not cry, well God have mercy on your soul.

Someone was confused earlier, for the record:
I am not in the Armed Services nor have I ever been.
I do not have any close family serving in the military at this time, but I feel they are all my kin.
I am just a blogger, having read blogs for about a year, I found this to be a way to vent, rant, and share without annoying my lovely wife, as she does not like to drag herself through the dark side of our world.

Link via Dean Esmay


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