It Can Happen Here.
Via: SayUncle comes a link to a lefty looking site
Here is an excerpt.
We are not yet living in a total police state, but it is fast approaching. The seeds of future tyranny have been sown, and many of our basic protections against government have been undermined. The atmosphere since 2001 has permitted Congress to create whole new departments and agencies that purport to make us safer – always at the expense of our liberty.
Now the last thing I want to say here is ANYTHING “AntiWar”, but as out Main Stream Media won’t pick up a story like this people like Ron Paul have to pursue other outlets.
That being said, I agree with Ron a lot, we are slowly but surely being coaxed into a situation where Liberty and Safety are at the opposite ends of the see-saw, and the balance it tipping.
I do not believe Safety requires we lose our Liberty, but to be honest here, if push comes to shove I am not sure I would be all that resistant to more lose of liberty as I believe we have gone too far.
Until society as a group realizes where we are and that it is profoundly the wrong place to be, simple resistance by a single person or small group lacking millions of dollars is a wasted effort.
It will begin with a trip to jail and possibly end with your life being ruined.
This is the reason I am not an NRA member, they are Gun Control Apologists.
This is the reason I am not all gung-ho “Anti Gay Marriage”, Sorry folks it’s to late to “Save Marriage” as something sacred, lets work on them “No Fault Divorces”.
This is the reason I had to vote for Bush with some trepidation, he was by far the only option, but he is no Conservative, and no Libertarian by any means.
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