Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Neither Muskets nor Ducks, by Confederate Yankee

Via: Say Uncle and Alphecca comes

Neither Muskets nor Ducks, by Confederate Yankee

The Second Amendment was written to ensure that the individual American could ensure his access to military capable arms for the defense of his home and his community.

You should read it all, now.

So are you really a Conservative or Libertarian or Republican?

Via Dean we see that this whole "Medical Marijuana" case has a lot more to do with Federalism, than just some hippies wanting to smoke weed.

Personally, I am for legalization of recreational drugs, there is a ton of reasons, but if you don't think legalization is a good idea, spend some time here: Drug War Rant or maybe more specifically HERE.

So where do you stand,
A: Give States the power they are promised in the Bill of Rights?
B: Keep them damn drugs illegal at any cost!
C: Legalize it all, regulate and tax it, see you at the "Coffee House" at 9pm!

Time for some Dead Pool!

I missed the deadline last year, but I am so gonna be in this year.
I have accepted the call for contributors over at the Dead Pool this year, so I will be participating as well as playing.
Thanks to Laurence Simon for running the game yet again. I can not imagine the amount of spam he gets to monitor the news of Courtney Love, Britney Spears, and other popped sensations scanning for the "died today" line that translates to points.

So if you blog, or are willing to contribute, get your 15 people picked and submitted to Laurence Simon over at Dead Pool.

Here are the Official Rules

I am trying to get an interview with one of my picks, and I will post that and my roster here on January 1st.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Wow! You gotta see this!

WOW, Internet Art is definitely something eh?
Via: James at Hell in a Handbasket
Comes THIS

Trippy dude

Game Review. Burn Out 3

As an Xbox owner and a Video game freak, I have been looking forward to Need For Speed Underground 2, but it is impossible to find for rent.

I almost always rent my Xbox games first, since the price does not drop on them for at least six months, unlike PC games.

So I took the advice of numerous websites like Penny Arcade and rented Burn Out 3.

The makers of this game somehow reached into the psyche of the average man, and some women, and found all that which is fun, distilled it, added code, and sent it to the CD copiers.

Crash mode is like intense crack, Racing slightly less, yet still so awesome one wonders why the game is not a controlled substance.

To say I am buying this game rather than returning it would be an understatement.

Thank goodness Movie Trading Company will give me the rental price OFF the purchase price.

Even after playing it for some 15 hours, between me and my brother in-law, we are less than half way done, even less than that if you only count gold medals!

Ah, Vacation!

Felt like a long weekend really, since I didn’t go out of town, but we had my in-laws in town for the week.

The wife is convinced we need another offspring now after seeing The daughter play with her cousin, he is one month younger, so 16 and 17 months.

I am convinced, if we had twins, I would be a shell of a man by now, two toddlers in the house is insanity.

Range Report and Game review coming up.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

Will we need a criminal background check to landscape?

Some idiot prosocuters think a large rock shouls be a Destructive Device?!?
Via: Say Uncle


Sunday, November 21, 2004

Why won't we hear about this 24/7 on the Main Stream Media?

Via: LittleGreenFootballs
11/20/2004: French Troops Shoot Unarmed Civilians

You can download the video from that site, though I warn you its graphic.
Summary: Looks like some sort of protest, people in civilian clothing chanting at some tanks and what not.
Then some automatic gun fire as the cammera man runs, you don't see much, then the wounded, lots of wounded.
I only made it about half way the the video, its large file and long, I will update once I see more.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Follow up for the Condi Rice 2A post.

Here is some more, via Aubrey Turner
Which links to himself at The Rice Update

Condoleeza Rice on the Second Amendment:


Comes The Volokh Conspiracy

which leads to: Aubrey Turner

Where Condoleeza says: "I am," she answered crisply, "a Second Amendment absolutist."

Damn, maybe Rice in 08' ain't such a bad idea!

Rules of Engagement, by Citizen Smash the Indepundit

Via: http://www.sondrak.com/

Comes:'Rules of Engagement' from The Indepundit.

It was January 2003, and the sun had just risen on a chilly winter morning over the Persian Gulf. We were preparing to go on the first operational watch of our deployment, protecting the port of Shuaiba from possible attacks by terrorists or enemy commandos. My sailors had just been issued weapons and ammunition, and several of them appeared a little bit nervous about

Read it ALL, it is short and it a powerful.

The American Soldier

Spreading Peace, Fighting Tyranny, Protecting our asses.

If you have not heard the song by Toby Keith, it's a tear jerker.
Then Irish John put a flash movie to it, and if you can watch with out crying, you had fucking better be saluting.

The American Soldier

Thursday, November 18, 2004

What can YOU do to help? Lots!

I am sure you have heard about the Marine that is getting in investigated for doing his job, killing a terrorist scumbag in front of a reporter.
Via SondraK http://www.sondrak.com/cgi-bin/mt-tb.cgi/3958
Check out:

They have done the informational portion, all you have to do is Call and Write.
This is when those who say "I support my troops, but not their mission" click on the next link and move on, but those of us who really support our troops, and thank our troops, and BELIEVE in our troops, we act.

Push is Shoving and we gotta shove back, let the Brass know that we are not in this to to fight a "more sensitive war on terror" we are there to spread freedom, and those that want to fight us will die.

In the immortal words of General Patton:
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

National Ammobuy Day / Week


Today I did my ever so small part.
50 rounds of Wolf .45
50 rounds of Wolf .40SW
50 Round of S&B .380
All to repay my shooting at the range last weekend.

Then for myself,
50 shells of 12ga birdshot
500 rounds of 22lr, plan on some range time with brother in-law next week.

Armed Group Kidnaps 31 Iraqi Policemen

Via GeekWithA.45, http://geekwitha45.blogspot.com/2004_11_14_geekwitha45_archive.html#110071496582517570

I have rarely if ever heard of a worse example of gun safety killing people.

Quote from GWA45:
Mortal peril exists in Iraq for any and every good guy, 24/7/365.
The bad guys are active, hunting, and armed, 24/7/365.

One of my co-workers mentioned one day he had a guy he went to college with, over in Iraq working for Halliburton.
This guy is actually working out of one of Saddam's old palaces!
I asked "What kinda gun this guy carry around?"
"None, they are not allowed to be armed"
I would resign and buy my OWN ticket home, instantly, no looking back.

Bad guys don't follow rules, bad guys don't care about laws, bad guys do not care about human decency.
Good guys have to be allowed to defend themselves. end of discussion.
No Sane Argument Exists, to this simple fact.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Marine being investigated for doing his job.

By now you should have heard about the Marine that shot an unarmed and apparently wounded man in a mosque in Fallujah.
If note, here are some links to get educated, then come back for my opinion.

Done Reading?

My Headline:
Marine Investigated for doing his job, killing terrorists.
Are we actually at the point where we do not have the intestinal fortitude to carry out a WAR?
We are at WAR, in WAR people die.
I know there are all sorts of angles, and arguments to be made, but I have said my piece.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Moving tribute to our soldiers, via BMEWS


He feels every note of the National Anthem vibrate through his body while at rigid attention, while tempering the burning desire to ‘square-away’ those around him who haven’t bothered to stand, remove their hat, or even stop talking. In an odd twist, day in and day out, far from home, he defends their right to be disrespectful.

Thank you http://www.barking-moonbat.com

Howard Dean, chairman for the DNC?!?

The Democrats stand at a fork in the road.
After this last election, they get two choices.

A: Make this man their Chairman, and continue down the road of hate and venom.

B: Disconnect with the loony left, get back to what the Democrats used to stand for, from what I know of the past I would have been a Southern Democrat in the 60's.

I believe the Democratic party should wake up, cause when you roll over and see Michael Moore in your bed and your ass hurts you gotta realize something is wrong!

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Range Report

Headed out yesterday morning to test a Remington 572 Field master, 22lr pump rifle.
Went to DFW range, and they were booked up for over an hour, so we blew that off and started to head up to Bass Pro shops. Meanwhile John remembered seeing a outdoor range off Northwest Highway a while back, so we tried there first.

Elm Fork is where it was, and it was pretty neat, first time I been to an outdoor range, course only third time I been shooting since I was a boy. This range is definitely more hunter type place, signs talking about "NO MILITARY STYLE RIFLES" everywhere. Strange setup on the center fire rifle range as well, huge berm right in front of firing line and you shoot through a large tube in the dirt to get out to your targets.

We paid up agreed to the rules and headed for the rim fire range, not positive, but it was like 25 yards I would guess. I shot fairly well in my opinion, John who has shot a LOT more than I was slightly impressed. John tried the Marlin I had borrowed, but the owner had not sighted in the scope well, so he literally missed the paper the entire first round!

I shot:
22lr Pump, Model 572 Fieldmaster
The one I shot was dated 1975; I am considering its purchase for $150.
22lr Marlin Model 60SB
This gun had a scope mounted, was not mounted real good and had not been sighted.
We got it sighted in a bit, and it was real nice!
Star Firestar M-40, .40S&W
Nice accuracy, slightly heavy.
Colt .45 Officer’s model
This 45 held 6 rounds in the magazine, ejected the spent cartridges straight up, you could hear they pinging off the tin roof overhead. Great Fun.
Makarov .380
This little pistol had a double stack and could hold 13 rounds, seems this is a rare configuration.
.357 Revolver
Don’t remember make or model, but it was an old police carry, we were shooting .38 wad cutters, sometimes mixing in spent cartridges to test flinch, man that’s an Eye Opener!
Ruger Mark II 22lr
An older one that did not lock back once the magazine was empty, but it fired exactly where you pointed it.

I decided it was getting time to go when I loaded the Colt and a 40sw cartridge, unfired slid out of the barrel. I had loaded the 40s in the 45 magazine, that rattled me a bit, in my opinion once you start making mistakes like that you need to pack up, and we did shortly thereafter.

Had loads of fun, and John said I was shooting excellently for someone that had just gone to the range three times, I guess I can take that as a compliment.

Still trying to decide on that Remington, can’t figure out if I really want it or not.

Friday, November 12, 2004

Welcome to my world!

This is my first post. A Test, a Ramble, A small step for most, a Leap for me.