Saturday, December 04, 2004

Deadpool, great litmus test for in-laws.

So my in-laws stayed with us over Thanksgiving.
First let me explain these are good people that go to church and do listen to anything but Christian music and such.
So expecting a bad reaction, I announced I was working on my Deadpool list to the house.
Once I explained the rules and game, I waited a few beats for the reaction, at least a “Goodness that’s morbid” to a “Something is wrong with you man”…
Nope, nothing like that happened.
“So who’s on your list?”
And there we were going over my picks, they were making suggestions and having me look up scores to see how many people had picked them.
Wow, in-laws can be pretty cool, guess I will have to use the “DeadPool Coolness Test” on more folks soon


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